Public vs Private Giveaways

Whether a giveaway is Public or Private determines who can access your giveaway link and how easy it is to find your giveaway link. 

Public Giveaways

Public giveaways are giveaways that are able to be found through search engines and are easily accessible to readers. This is the best way to find new readers and grow your mailing list. 

  • Share your giveaway link on social media through Facebook, Twitter, and any other platform you are active on.
  • Public giveaways allow readers to find your work on your Author Page, through recommendations from Prolific Works, and through search engines.
  • Prolific Works only promotes Public giveaways on our homepage, social media, and in our daily reader emails. If you want to be eligible for Prolific Works promotion, make sure your giveaway is Public and Unlimited.
  • All "Reach New Readers" giveaways are automatically Public.

Private Giveaways

If a giveaway is private, only readers with the link to your giveaway will be able to find and download your freebie. If you want additional security, you can add a password by upgrading to one of our paid plans. 

  • If you already have a subscriber list, or an advanced reader copy team, you can send the link privately to your readers via email. 
  • Private giveaways are perfect for sending ARCs, betas, limited giveaways, and rewards to select groups of readers.
  • These giveaways cannot be found by search, will not be recommended via our recommendation engine, and will not show up on your Author Page.
  • Prolific Works does not promote Private giveaways.