Prolific Works Starter Kit
At Prolific Works, we have a mission to accelerate great stories and big ideas, and we do this by connecting authors to the right readers. Prolific Works readers are highly engaged and eager to discover new authors, so starting reaching them today by following the steps below!
How to Reach the Right Readers:
- Create a Prolific Works account
- Sign up for a free 30-day trial for the Plus or Pro plans.
- Or, try our Basic plan which is free forever.
- Upload your content
- Share your book, excerpts, short stories, novellas, sneak peaks, or a chapter.
- Create a giveaway campaign
- Share your giveaway campaign.
- Share Advanced Reader Copies (ARC).
- Post on social media platforms like Facebooks, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
- Send a personal newsletter to your mailing list.
- Join an Prolific Works Group Giveaway
- Organize a Prolific Works Group Giveaway
- Built-in support for Readers