How to Use the Prolific Works App for Android
The Prolific Works App makes ebook delivery faster and simpler for anyone who uses our site. You can login to access all of the books you've ever claimed on the Prolific Works site, and then move them from the Prolific Works App to any ereader app currently installed on your device. Follow the instructions below to use the app on your Android phone or tablet device.
You can log in to your Prolific Works App with the same email and password that you use to access your Prolific Works Reader Library.
In this article:
- How to Log In to Your Prolific Works App
- How to Download a Book to Your Device
- How to Search Your Prolific Works Library
- How to Sort Your Prolific Works Library
- How to Archive a Book on the Prolific Works App
- How to Change Your Password
- How to Log Out of Your Prolific Works App
How to Log In to Your Prolific Works App
- Claim a book from Prolific Works. If you don’t already have a book you want to claim, you can find books by selecting "Sign Up” after "Don't have an account?" on the app’s opening page.
- If you already have an account with Prolific Works but can't remember your password click "Forgot Your password?" You will be sent an email where you can reset your password.
If you know the email and password associated with your Prolific Works account enter them in the appropriate boxes.
Click the eye to make sure you've typed your password in correctly.
- Check the box to agree to the Terms and Conditions.
- Select “Login”.
- You will be brought to a page labeled “My Library” that displays all the books you’ve claimed.
How to Download a Book to Your Device
- Select the book you want to read on your device by clicking anywhere within the white box that contains the cover, title, and author.
- You’ll be brought to a page that has the book’s cover, title, and author, and a button labeled “Read”.
- Select the “Read” button.
- A menu with up to five options (“Open in Kindle”, "Send to Kindle Cloud", "Open in Kobo", "Open in Nook", or “Save and Open”) will appear (you will only see options for apps that are installed on your mobile device).
- If you are using the Kindle app, select "Open in Kindle." Selecting "Open in Kindle" will automatically launch the Kindle app. You should see your selected book on the Kindle Home screen.
- Note: If your book doesn't appear in your Kindle library after a few minutes, you may need to enable Data Storage Access on your Kindle app. For additional instructions on how to enable Data Storage Access, click here.
- If you are sending to a Kindle device, select "Send to Kindle Cloud." Selecting "Send to Kindle Cloud" will bring you to a new screen where you can select which devices you want to send to. For additional instructions on how to send to a Kindle device, click here.
- If you are using the Kobo app, select “Open in Kobo.” Selecting "Open in Kobo" will automatically launch the Kindle app.
- Note: You will need to manually import your new books into your Kobo app. For additional instructions on how to manually import your books, click here.
- If you are using the NOOK Reading app, select “Open in Nook.” Selecting "Open in Nook" will automatically launch the NOOK Reading app. You should see your selected book on the NOOK Reading Home screen.
- Note: If your book doesn't appear in your NOOK library after a few minutes, you may need to look in the "All My Items" section of your NOOK Reading app. For additional instructions on how to check the "All My Items" section, click here. If you still don't see your book, you may also need to Enable Sideloading on your Nook app. For additional instructions on how to enable sideloading, click here.
- If you are not using any of the above apps, select “Save and Open”. A menu will appear with options for reading apps you can read in. Select which app you want to use.
- If you are using the Kindle app, select "Open in Kindle." Selecting "Open in Kindle" will automatically launch the Kindle app. You should see your selected book on the Kindle Home screen.
- Your book should open in the app you selected. If you are having difficulty viewing your book in the Kindle app, click here. If you are having difficulty viewing your book in another reading app, click here. If you’ve already downloaded and opened the book in the app before, it will take you to the page you last read.
- Note: If you want to read in an app such as Kindle, Google Play Books, Kobo, or NOOK Reading, that app must be already downloaded to your device.
How to Search Your Prolific Works Library
- Select the magnifying glass in the top right corner.
- Input the book’s title or author, or a keyword in the search bar that appears.
This is the search bar without search text.
This is the search bar with search text.
- Tap the magnifying glass in the right corner next to the dialogue box to search. Results relating to your search should appear below “My Library”.
- If no books are found, double-check the spelling of the search text.
- To leave the search section and return to “My Library”, select the back arrow next to the search bar.
How to Sort Your Prolific Works Library
- Select the down arrow next to “Sort by”. A drop-down menu will appear with the options “Title”, “Author”, and “Date Claimed”.
- If you select “Title”, the books will be sorted alphabetically by title.
- If you select “Author”, the books will be sorted alphabetically by author’s last name.
- If you select “Date claimed”, the books will be sorted in the order that they were claimed, with the most recent first.
How to Archive a Book on the Prolific Works App
- Select a book from your Library that you would like to archive by clicking anywhere within the white box that contains the cover, title, and author.
- You’ll be brought to the page that has the book’s cover, title, and author. Notice the archive button at the top right corner with the '+' (add) symbol.
- To archive your book, press the archive button. The icon will become unhighlighted and show an "x" when you have archived a book.
- Once you have archived a book, it will no longer appear in your library. If you would like to move a book back to your Library, you can press the archive button again, and the book will be put back into your Library.
- To view your archived books, click on the archive tab at the bottom of your screen.
How to Change Your Password
1. Select the gear icon in the bottom right hand corner.
2. From the menu, select Change Password".
3. You will be directed to this page.
4. Type in your current password.
a. NOTE: You can click on the "eye" iconbutton to view your password when typing it out.
If you want your password to show when typing, this is what the icon will look like.
If you do not want your password to show when typing, this is what the icon will look like.
5. Enter your new password on the next line. You must type in your new password again to confirm this change.
6. Once you are done, select the checkmark iconon the right-side of the teal bar at the top of your screen.
7. This pop-up message will appear to confirm your password change.
How to Log Out of Your Prolific Works App
- Select the gear icon in the bottom right hand corner.
- From the menu, select "Logout".
- A menu will appear asking “Are you sure you want to log out?” Select “Yes”.