Group Giveaway FAQ for Readers

Q: What is a Group Giveaway?

A: Group Giveaways allow authors to work together to promote and showcase their work in one place.

Q: Does this cost me anything?

A: No. All of the books in a Group Giveaway are free to readers.

Q: Can I get more than one book?

A: Yes. You can claim as many books in the Group Giveaway as you like.

Q: What information do you ask for?

A: To claim a book from a Group Giveaway you are asked for your name and email address. There also may be an option to subscribe to the author's email newsletter to hear about future promotions.

For Prolific Works policy on collecting and using personal information, please see the Privacy Policy.

Q: How do I keep track of my books?

A: Your Reader Library allows you to access all of the active books you’ve ever claimed in one place.

Q: Why do authors participate in a Group Giveaway?

A: Group Giveaways are a chance for authors to connect with passionate readers like you. And, after reading their work we hope you will read more books by those authors in the promotion.

For authors you love, you might also consider sharing an honest review, subscribing to their email newsletter, as well as recommending their work to other passionate readers like you.

Q: Where can I find Group Giveaways?

A: By subscribing to your favorite authors' email newsletters you'll be able to learn about special promotions, including any Group Giveaways that they are participating in. You can also subscribe to the Prolific Works email newsletter to learn about Group Giveaways hosted on the site.